
Your Most Valuable Asset Is Yourself

Years ago, my colleagues and I conducted a fairly large-scale research project. We interviewed a bunch of high-income professionals who provided professional services. This group included doctors, dentists and lawyers, and like most of us, they earned money only when they were working. In essence, they traded their time for dollars. Our finding was this:…

A Perfect Storm For Low Returns


Today’s investors may have drawn the proverbial “short straw.” From an investment perspective, they are confronting what might be considered a “perfect storm” creating strong head winds against higher expected returns. We’ll begin by discussing the three main factors conspiring against them, then analyze some of the options investors might employ to combat this problem….

Look Abroad For Higher Returns


Previously, we examined three main factors conspiring against investors seeking higher expected returns. These factors can combine to generate a “perfect storm,” at least from an investment perspective, facing today’s investors. We then turned to the four most effective ways that investors can fight these head winds, which, oddly enough, have nothing to do with…

Why Index Investing Wins


J.B. Heaton, Nick Polson and J.H. Witte recently authored a nice short paper—it’s all of four pages—entitled “Why Indexing Works.” In it, the authors developed a simple stock selection model to explain why active equity fund managers tend to underperform their benchmark index. While most of the academic literature focuses on the efficiency of the…

Using Factors To Lower Risk


Many investors today are confronting what could be considered a “perfect storm” that is creating strong head winds against the pursuit of higher expected returns. So far, we have discussed the main factors currently working against investors, as well as some steps they might consider taking to help combat this problem. We will now examine…

Avoid ‘Bad & Ugly’ Strategies


Over the past week, we’ve taken an in-depth look at why today’s investors are facing a “perfect storm” of factors that, when combined, can significantly hinder the pursuit of higher expected returns. In taking on this problem, we have so far discussed the elements working against investors, as well as some steps to help combat…

When an Expense Becomes a Wise Investment Choice

Ask someone how they invest, and you’ll probably get a pretty standard answer involving stocks, bonds and maybe some real estate or cash. But rarely will people mention something that is even more important: their investments in human capital. They don’t talk about it because human capital investments can look a lot like any other…

Rising Rates Don’t Doom REITs

As we have discussed many times, much of the “conventional wisdom” on investing is simply wrong. For our purposes, we can define conventional wisdom as those ideas that become so commonly accepted that they go unquestioned. Today we’ll look at the idea that rising interest rates would doom returns to real estate investments, specifically the…

The Market Humbles Junk Bond Fund Managers

Do you remember the scene from It’s A Wonderful Life—only the best holiday movie ever—when George and Mary Bailey are cruising out of Bedford Falls on their well-earned honeymoon, only to notice a literal run on the banks (including the Bailey Savings and Loan, which George reluctantly operates)? Well, as Mark Twain is attributed as…

Avoiding Caregiver Burnout During the Holidays

By Sylvia Nissenboim Both caregiving for an elderly loved one and preparing for the holidays can come with a lot of joy, but also some unintended stress. As such, it’s vital that caregivers don’t overload themselves as they balance the day-to-day demands of caring for an older family member with the additional commitments that pop…

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